
001. Pooja Thanekar, Parag R. Gogate. Department of Chemical Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga, Mumbai 40019, India. Combined hydrodynamic cavitation based processes as an efficient treatment option for real industrial effluent. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2019, Vol. 53, Pages: 202 - 213.

      In the present work, hydrodynamic cavitation (HC) operated alone and in combination with chemical oxidants has been applied for the treatment of real industrial effluent obtained from a local industry. Initially, the analysis of literature related to the hybrid methods involving hydrodynamic cavitation has been presented along with recommendations for the selection of important operating conditions for the HC operated individually and in combination with oxidation processes based on hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), ozone (O3) and persulphate (KPS). Subsequently, the treatment of real industrial effluent has also been investigated in details using HC alone and in combined mode with other oxidation processes focusing on the main objective of COD reduction. The reduction in the COD achieved using individual treatment of HC under the optimized conditions of inlet pressure as 4 bar and pH as 4 was only 7.9%. The application of different hybrid approaches based on HC such as HC + H2O2, HC + O3, HC + KPS and HC + H2O2 + O3 established higher COD reduction as compared to only HC. The maximum extent of COD reduction as 60.8% was achieved using HC + H2O2 + O3 combination whereas, relatively lower extent of COD was achieved for operations of HC + H2O2, HC + O3 and HC + KPS with the actual COD reduction being 40.3%, 38.7% and 8.5% respectively. It was also observed that 30.4%, 28.2%, 15.6%, and 4.7% of TOC reduction was obtained for the combined processes of HC + H2O2 + O3, HC + H2O2, HC + O3, and HC + KPS respectively. Based on the kinetic study, it was established that the degradation fitted the first order kinetics for all the approaches. The combined processes of HC with oxidants were also compared with ultrasound reactors (both individual and combined operation) in terms of COD reduction, cavitational yield calculations, and treatment cost. HC reactors were established to be more energy efficient and also significantly cost effective, much lower than ultrasonic reactors.

Keywords: Real industrial effluent; Hydrodynamic cavitation; Ultrasonic reactors; Advanced oxidation processes; Cavitational yield; Total treatment cost.

ENVIS CENTRE Newsletter Vol.17, Issue 1, Jan -Mar, 2019
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