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Vol. 107, 2014, Pages: 360–365

Contrasting effects of two antimicrobial agents (triclosan and triclocarban) on biomineralisation of an organophosphate pesticide in soils

R.S. Kookana, A. Ali, L. Smith, M. Arshad

CSIRO Land and Water, PMB 2, Glen Osmond 5064, Australia.


We examined the impact of triclosan (TCS) and triclocarban (TCC) antimicrobial compounds on the biomineralisation of glucose and cadusafos pesticide in three Australian soils. Mineralisations of radiolabelled (14C) compounds were measured over a period of up to 77 d in sterile and non-sterile soils treated with different concentrations of TCS and TCC (0–450 mg kg-1). The rates of mineralisation of cadusafos were found to decrease with increasing concentration of TCS in all soils, but varied with soil type. Soils treated with TCS at the highest concentration (270 mg kg-1) reduced cadusafos mineralisation by up to 58%. However, glucose mineralisation was not significantly affected by the presence of TCS. While TCS, significantly reduced the mineralisation of cadusafos (by 17%; < 0.05) even at the lowest studied concentration (30 mg kg-1), no significant effect of TCC was observed on cadusafos or glucose mineralisation even at the highest concentration used (450 mg kg-1).

Keywords: Cadusafos; Biocides; Antimicrobials; Mineralisation; Biodegradation; Soil microbial respiration.

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